Monday, February 15, 2010

Reversion of Publishing Rights

On February 10, I received an email from The Wild Rose Press stating they were reverting the publishing rights for His Secret Desire back to me. I guess, after two and a half years, they believe my little short story has sold as many copies as it's going to sell. :)

What does all this mean?

They're removing the title from all their sales venues. Plus, the cover art and ISBN belongs to the publisher, which means I can no longer use the cover for promotional purposes (i.e., web site, blog, etc.).

His Secret Desire has effectively vaporized into publishing ether. :(

Believe me, I'm not complaining. Just sad to see the story go. I enjoyed writing, selling, and promoting HSD. The process gave me a taste of what it would be like to sell a full manuscript. There were a lot of steps, but with a great editor guiding me through, I found it all fascinating rather than scary.

So now, my little web site looks barren without the cover splashed all over it. Maybe I'll get some good news this year and can fill it up with smiles until my next cover comes available. :)

Happy writing, everyone!