Monday, February 15, 2010

Reversion of Publishing Rights

On February 10, I received an email from The Wild Rose Press stating they were reverting the publishing rights for His Secret Desire back to me. I guess, after two and a half years, they believe my little short story has sold as many copies as it's going to sell. :)

What does all this mean?

They're removing the title from all their sales venues. Plus, the cover art and ISBN belongs to the publisher, which means I can no longer use the cover for promotional purposes (i.e., web site, blog, etc.).

His Secret Desire has effectively vaporized into publishing ether. :(

Believe me, I'm not complaining. Just sad to see the story go. I enjoyed writing, selling, and promoting HSD. The process gave me a taste of what it would be like to sell a full manuscript. There were a lot of steps, but with a great editor guiding me through, I found it all fascinating rather than scary.

So now, my little web site looks barren without the cover splashed all over it. Maybe I'll get some good news this year and can fill it up with smiles until my next cover comes available. :)

Happy writing, everyone!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Goals Check:End of January

Well, January's fading into the background as February approaches. I'm happy to see one more month of winter behind us.

I finished major revisions to A Lady's Revenge and sent it off to beta readers. I have to say I'm really excited about the changes. It's amazing what one learns about writing craft and technique over the course of three years. Anyhoo, since this is supposed to be a goals check, I'd better get to it.

As I mentioned, I finished edits to ALR before Jan 31. Yay! I began the GIAM 100 words in 100 days challenge on Jan 1 and haven't missed a day. Yet. I have two more months to go so keep your fingers crossed. The only other task I needed to accomplish this month, and haven't, was to post once a week on this blog. Gotta correct that.

As a side note, Romance University's doing awesome. We have our calendar pretty well booked until May. How cool is that? I still can't believe the generosity of our guest bloggers. RU was a mere blip on the Internet scene eight months ago, and now folks are contacting us to blog.

I'm so proud to be part of RU's incredibly supportive community.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello, 2010!

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2010? I can't. While in high school, I was certain this crazy world would implode by 2000. But here we are, and I have to say I'm really looking forward to the next 12 months.

So what's a girl to do with so much optimism? She lists out her 2010 goals.
  1. Land an agent
  2. Finish editing A Lady’s Revenge by January 31
  3. Seek Beta reads for ALR from CPs by February
  4. Resubmit ALR to interested agents by March
  5. Participate in the GIAM 100 x 100 program, beginning January 1
  6. Participate in the February GIAM Tour de Force
  7. Develop 2011 RWA workshop with RU blogmates by August
  8. Finish Book 1 of Victorian-set series by April 30; finish edits by June 30; Begin querying by July 15; Enter in Golden Heart
  9. Attend Margie Lawson’s Immersion class (May)
  10. Attend Spring Fling conference (April)
  11. Attend RWA National conference (July)
  12. Post one entry a week on personal blog
  13. Read one book a month for pleasure
  14. Read one craft book a month for development
Now, I know my #1 goal is not completely within my control. But I can work hard to achieve it. Having the goal on paper keeps me motivated and focused.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beta Males: Hidden Gems?

Pop on over to Romance University to see my latest post on Beta males.