Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goals for 2009

Today's topic is near and dear to me, being a Human Resources Manager. Every year, I strong arm my agency's department heads into setting annual goals not only for themselves, but for all their employees, too. Just three goals. That's all I ask for them to complete in 12 months time.

Like all humans, my organization's employees operate at different gears. Some accomplish all their goals and then some. Others are lucky if they accomplish one. Of course, there are many factors that arise in a year's time that can prevent us from meeting our established goals. When obstacles are thrown our way, changing our priorities, we either magically adapt to the new situation and move forward, or we sit idle in our misery. Those who do not adjust to change are invariably the ones whose performance ratings are lower, which affects their merit percentage. Those are the employees that break my heart. The ones that resist the inevitable, the logical, the progressive. I simply want to shake them into action, but alas, I do not. I shake my head instead and hope they'll eventually come around.

Oddly enough, as a writer, I've never sat down and written out a list of goals I'd like to accomplish for the year. Granted, I've only been at this a few years, and during my short stint as a writer, I've been mostly interested in seeing if I could complete an entire manuscript. Well, I've done that. Twice. And, although I thought I was serious about writing, I realize now that I stepped into this career only halfheartedly. I didn't have a PLAN.

Not so this year. I'm still focused on completing a manuscript, but this year, I'm determined to knock out a brilliant piece of writing. Plus, I'm going to begin building my career--step by little step.

So, without further ado, here are my 2009 goals. Wish me luck in accomplishing all of them.

1. Land an agent
2. Finish writing/editing Turn Back Time (short story) by February 2009; Submit to Publisher XYZ by April 2009
3. Enter Dangerous Expectations into 2-3 contests based on agent/editor participation
4. Wait to hear back on agent submissions for Dangerous Expectations—if no takers, submit to a few select editors before shelving
5. Finish research on Warrior series by February 2009
6. Write a rough outline for each book in the series by March 2009
7. Begin writing first book in the Warrior series by February 2009; Finish first draft by July 2009; Begin querying by October 2009; Enter in Golden Heart
8. Finish brainstorming and decide on group blog
9. Attend Lori Foster’s Get Together in June 2009; introduce myself to at least one agent and one editor
10. Attend RWA National in DC—hang out with my wonderful CPs (A&K); introduce myself to at least one agent and one editor
11. Support my CPs in any way the need
12. Participate in Writing GiamX4 weekly
13. Post 2 entries a month on my personal blog
14. Critique 3 chapters a month for HHCritters
15. Read one book a month for pleasure (Working full-time, writing part-time and spending quality time with my husband makes this an incredibly difficult goal to accomplish, but I shall persevere!)
16. Develop a 5-year career plan

Have you set your 2009 writing goals yet?

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